Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted here in a while! There hasn't been very much knitting going on, as I've been busy packing and moving and cleaning. You can read about my non-knitting adventures at my Livejournal. I'm trying to keep knitting posts and other posts separated, although I'm sure soon I'll just give up on that.

Anyway, I've moved and I start my vet school orientation in about a week and a half. I am excited. I don't think I've ever enjoyed buying textbooks as much as I did last week. And I get to have my own set of scalpels! Yay?

I had gotten about half way with my Jaywalker sock when I came across an error in stitch count. So I took the Rebecca route of fixing it, and frogged it completely. I hate hate hate backtracking stitches! I'd rather start over. It's a good thing I'm in it for the knitting and not completely for the end-product. Then I decided to try Pomatomus with my new Colinette Jitterbug yarn (in pretty hot pink/purple/green). Well, sure enough, I turn the heel and eventually there's something weird going on and I frogged it.

So I have nothing on the needles right now. :P

I got in the mood to make the Motorcycle chick gloves from Interweave Summer 2007, but when I went to Hastings to get the magazine, I couldn't find it. I ended up buying a movie that has nothing to do with knitting.

I'm currently reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, and a friend sent me Rant by Chuck Palahniuk (fave author) as a 6-month belated birthday present. I hope to get through my knitting slump and get something done before school starts, because it will be hard after that, although I always manage to procrastinate with studying.

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