Saturday, June 30, 2007

Kanga 1
Originally uploaded by trebecula
Here is my almost finished Kangaroo from World of Knitted Toys! I need to push some of the stuffing in some places (where the needle went in and out of the stuffing). She was hard to get to stand up straight. I had to attach the tail even further up from where it had been attached and finally, she can stand on her own. I ran out of yarn again (that would be the second time on this project) before I could do the baby kangaroo. I think I am just going to leave it out, as I don't want to order more yarn, pay for more shipping, and then wait another week and a half. I would have had everything done a few weeks ago if that hadn't happened already!

There are more photos of the kanga at my flickr page (including one of Nigel inspecting).

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