Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I haven't done much knitting lately but I do have a new addition that I got for my birthday.


A kiwi spinning wheel! I soon realized that wood finishing is not for me. I do not have the patience or the talent. I think the extra money spent on a finished wheel is definitely worth it now..

I bought the wheel on eBay from Copper Moose, and they sent a pound of Corriedale fiber to practice on.

Corriedale fiber

And this is the first skein I made from it. It ended up about 38 yards and is double-plied.

Skein #1: Corriedale, 38 yards

All skeined up..

Skein #1: Corriedale, 38 yards

I am definitely a newb. I've bought two books so far: Start Spinning and Intertwined. I look forward to getting good at the regular stuff so I can make the fancy art stuff. I know I need a lot of practice.

Also since I haven't been around for a long time here is a treat: Muse at the Fort Worth Convention Center last week. It was my third time seeing them and they get better every time!

Muse: Ft Worth Mar 2010

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